La Col.lá Propinde ye un grupu folk asturianu formáu a finales del 2000. Dende l’entamu, el grupu va garrando diferentes sonoridaes del repertoriu tradicional asturianu, arriqueciéndoles con otros munchos estilos: pop, rock, ska, reggae,... pero siempre ensin alloñase de les bases tradicionales y raigaños celtes, biltando nueves alternatives con un soníu fresco, movío y mui comprometiíu coles realidaes sociales.

La banda asturiana tien tres discos asoleyaos, dos cola discográfica L'Aguañaz: "LI" (Che) en 2002 y "Güeira" en 2006. Y con Algamar Producciones, l’álbum "A teyavana", en 2010, el so últimu trabayu. Toos foron grabaos y producíos nos Estudios TUTU, baxo la dirección de Sergio Rodríguez.

En xunetu del 2001, el grupu participa por primer vez nuna grabación pal discu "L'asturianu vive, la llucha sigue" espublizáu pola Xunta Moza y editáu por L'Aguañaz, producíu por Paco Loco nos estudios ODDS Norte (Xixón) al llau d’otres bandes del folk asturianu, y la escena rock. El cantar que se presentó foi "L'emigrante". Un añu más tarde llegó su primer trabayu, "LI" (Che), álbum debut que foi un ésitu poles sos composiciones y soníu fresco. En 2003, "L'emigrante", incluíu nel primer discu, algama’l premiu al Meyor Cantar N’ASTURIANU del añu.

Tres numberosos conciertos en payares de 2005, el tema "suena'l cmaín", va ser la banda sonora pal curtiumetraxe, col mesmu nome ("Suena'l Camín"), ganador del concursu "No me cuentes peliculas y hazlas" entamáuo pol Conseyu la Mocedá d’Asturies y la 43 edición del Festival Internacional de Cine de Xixón. El film fai una esbilla de la escena musical de güei y les torgues poles que pasen los grupos y bandes. Esti sería l’adelantu del segundo trabayu, "Güeria", presentáu en xineru de 2006. En "Güeira", la fusión faise entá más presente cola música tradicional asturiana en cantares como "Llandellena", basada nuna historia real recoyía ellí, "Milenta", "Cuerri pal Monte"… y dedicáo la xente que vive y trabajan nel campu. Un homenaxe al mundu rural. Esi mesmo añu, continuen los conciertos y participen nuna collaboración col raperu y productor musical Dark La eMe, pal cantar "Mi compromiso" del discu "Chigre y Dragón".

Durante’l 2007, ún de los temes de "Güeria" ("Güeira remix"), va pner sintonía a la 51 edición de la Vuelta Ciclista a Asturies. Esi mismu año, La Col.lá Propinde tami´ne participen nel álbum tributu a la llxendaria banda asturiana Dixebra "Perversiones, Salú ya dixebra" versioneando " 'l mileniu", unu de los sos cantares más conocíos.

El grupu estrénase nel mundu de la imaxe durante a final del 2007, grabando y editando lo que va ser su primer video-clip, "Llandellena" tema basáu nuna historia real, recoyía nel llugar asturianu del mesmu nome. El trabayu foi dirixíu por Delfo (“La Tarrancha” y “K-Nalón”) y grabáu y editáu por Pablo Quiroga de Algamar Producciones.

Yá nel 2008, La Col.lá llega al mundu de la televisión con cantares de su segundu álbum pa la serie "Doctor Mateo" (Notrom Films y Antena 3 TV) al impar de la preparación del so tercer disco.

En plena grabación, conviden a La Col.lá a collaborar nel programa de la Televisión Pública Asturiana (TPA) "Camín de Cantares", de Xosé Antón Ambas, esta vegada dedicaú al gaitiru Carabanzo. Fáise una reellaboración de dos piezas tradicionales del repertoriu del gaitiru "a lo l.lixero" y "la muñeira". La Col.lá Propinde va poner el cierre quinta temporada de dicho programa.

En xineru de 2010, La Col.lá saca a la lluz su tercer álbum tituláu “A teyavana" grabáu y editáu nos Estudios Tutu, producíu por Sergio Rodríguez y GLT, nuna nueva aventura pal grupu: Algamar Producciones, con Pablo Quiroga. "A teyavana" ye un discu cola mesma tónica dominante, la música asturiana y la fusión onde les voces son más protagonestes. El resultáu, doce temes onde podemos alcontrar pieces de la tradición oral y popular asturiana: "Yo pa que me casaría" o "ánimes del Purgatoriu" a cantares de composición propia de amores imposibles: "la esopeta al l.lumbu", retratos biográficos urbanos: "Perende"... fusionao cola música y les melodíes tradicionales. L’álbum cuenta cola collaboración d’Esther Fonseca, quien canta la canción dedicada a los montañeros "2417", canción nomináu a los AMAS 2011, xunto a "Llárimes", que fue también nomináu pa los Premios de la Música.

Na navidá de esi añu, el grupu graba su segundu videoclip, de la mano de Algamar Producciones y Señor Paraguas, "Llárimes", tema espublizáu en "A Teyavana". El clip foi grabáu nel Cabu Peñes, Turón y La Palmera (La Pola, L.lena).

La presentación del clip ye’l primer de los actos de la década de la banda, con una folixa conciertu na Sala Acapulco del Casino de Xixón, en xineru del 2011, aprovechando la oportunidá pa repasar su carrera musical averaos a munchos amigos: Esther Fonseca, Rodri Sturm, Delfo, L.lubu, gaiteros Montoto y banda de Gaites de Mieres, la xente del Sabil y La Curuxa,"Queco", Imanol de Trueque… a mediaos d’añu la banda volvió a participar n’otru discu homenaxe a Nacho Fonseca, fundador de Xentiquina "Xentiquina crew!" cola canción "Los gochinos", grabada nos Estudios Miles de Mieres. Pa piellar el 10u. aniversari, depués de dellos conciertos, La Col.lá Propinde gana’l premiu al meyor video musical con "Llárimes" nos IV PREMIOS CRÍTICA RPA.

Agora, la banda tá preparando lo que va ser el so cuartu álbum.

La Col.lá Propinde is an Asturian folk group formed in late 2000. From the beginning, the group is acquiring different sounds from the Asturian Traditional repertoire, with many estyles music among which are: pop, rock, ska, reggae, ... but always without departing from the traditional bases and celtic roots, resulting in new ways with a fresh sound, motivated and very committed to social realities.

The Asturian band has released three albums, two with L'Aguañaz: "LI" (Che) in 2002 and "Güeira" in 2006. And Algamar Producciones, the album "A teyavana", in 2010, his last work. All have been recorded and produced in TUTU Studies, under the direction of Sergio Rodriguez.

In July 2001, the group participates for the first time in a recording for the álbum "L’asturianu vive, la llucha sigue" published by the Xunta Moza and L'Aguañaz Records, produced by Paco Loco in ODDS Nort (Xixón/Gijón) along other bands of the Asturian folk and rock scene. The song featured was "l’emigrante" A year later came his first album, "LI" (Che), debut album has been a success for his compositions and fresh sound. In 2003, the song "l’emigrante", included in that record, achieved the award for BEST SONG OF THE YEAR IN ASTURIAN LANGUAGE.

After numerous concerts in November 2005, the theme, "suena’l cmaín", put the original soundtrack to the short film "suena’l camín", winner of the contest "No me cuentes películas, hazlas" organized by the Youth Council Asturias, the 43th edition of International Film Festival of Xixón/Gijón. It provides an analysis Asturian music scene today and the obstacles that pass by groups and gangs. This would be the advancement of his second album, "Güeria" presented in January 2006. In "Güeira", the merger is even more present with traditional Asturian music in songs like "Llandellena", "Milenta", "Cuerri pal Monte" ... and dedicated to all people living and working in the field. A tribute to the rural world. That same year the concerts and continue the tour. They also participate in a collaboration with rapper and music producer Dark la eMe, for the song "Mi compromiso" from his album "Chigre y Dragón"

In 2007, one of the themes of "Güeria" ("Güeira remix"), will be the tune of the 51edition of the Tour of Asturias. That same year, The Col.lá Propinde part in the tributealbum to the legendary asturian band "Dixebra" entitled "Perversiones, salú ya dixebra" versioning "’l mileniu"

The group in the world premiere of the image during the same year, editing and recording what was your first video, "Llandellena" song based on a true story, collected in the Asturian town of the same name. The work was led by Delfo (La Tarrancha and K-Nalón) and recorded and edited by Pablo Quiroga (Algamar Producciones).

Already in 2008, the band repositioned their second album in the TV series "Doctor Mateo" (Notrom Films & Antena 3) In the midst of recording their third album, La Col.lá is invited to collaborate in the Public Television program Asturiana (TPA) "Camín de Cantares", directed by Xose´Antón Ambás dedicated to Carabanzo pippes’s. The proposal has been reflected in the redevelopment of two traditional pieces of music repertoire Asturian pippes "a lo l.lixero" and "la muñeira" piece which La Col.lá Propinde closure has to fifth season in a TUTU Studios recording for it.Alpha

In January 2010, La Col.lá presents his third album entitled "A teyavana" recorded and edited in Studies TUTU, produced by Sergio Rodriguez and "GLT" within a new adventure for the group: Algamar Produccioens, with Pablo Quiroga. "A teyavana" is an album with the same dominant trend, Asturian music and fusion. This, along with songs where the vocals are more present, results in twelve subjects where we can find pieces of oral tradition and popular Asturian: "yo pa que me casaría" or "animas del purgatorio" to songs of his own composition various subjects as impossible love "la esopeta al l.lumbu" biographical portraits urban "Perende" ... mixed up with music and traditional melodies. The album features the collaboration of Esther Fonseca, who sings the song dedicated to the mountaineers "2417", a song nomináu the AMAS 2011, next to "Llárimes" which was nominated for Song Music Awards that same year.

At Christmas of that year, the group uses to record their second video clip, from the hand of Algamar Producciones and Señor Paraguas "Llárimes", released on the álbum "A Teyavana". The clip was recorded at the Cabu Peñes, Turon and La Palmera (La Pola, Lena)

The presentation of the clip was the first acts of the decade of the band, with a concert party at the Sala Acapulco del Casino de Xixón/Gijón, where they took the opportunity to review his musical career with many colaboraores, friends: Esther Fonseca, Rodri Sturm, Delfo, L.lubu, Montoto pipers and Pipe Band of Mieres, people of the Curuxa Sabil and to "Queco" in front, Imanol Trueque In mid 2011 the band returned to participate in the tribute album Nacho Fonseca, founder of Xentiquina, "Xentiquina Crew!" with the song "los gochinos" recorded in Estudios Miles de Mieres. To conclude the 10th anniversary, La Col.lá Propinde has collected the award for best music video to "Llárimes" in the IV AWARDS CRITICAL RPA.

Currently, the band is preparing what will be their fourth álbum.